
SAC Second Service lunch meeting

Mar 01 2020
Start Time
12:15 PM
End Time
2:00 PM


Recognizing that each service has a unique barrier to growth, we believe that moving forward entails each service gaining a unique vision for growth.  To that end, we want to engage members of each service in a unique conversation about what a growth strategy might look like for each specific context.  We’ll have more details to follow, but as a first step, we want to invite our second service attendees to a meeting after the second service on March 1. The intent of that meeting is to hear what you value about your service, and to dream together what a growth strategy, unique to your context, might be.  Lunch will be served, so plan to stay!   

At a later date we will invite those who are a part of first service to a similar conversation.  Please stay tuned for details.