
YA Summer Event 3 - Lake Day at Hatzic

Aug 24 2024
Start Time
12:00 PM
End Time
10:00 PM


Join us for our third, and last, YA Summer Event of 2024! 

We will be heading to Hatzic Lake to spend the afternoon and evening at Ed and Linda Dyck's house! We will do activities throughout the afternoon including hiking, boating, and games, and then spend the evening worshipping together around a (propane) campfire. 

Lunch and Dinner will be included, and each person will be expected to chip in and help cover the costs. 

What to bring: 

- Proper shoes and attire for activities

- Chair/Blanket 

- Swimming stuff (if you want to go in the water) 

- Extra drinking water for yourself 

- Snacks to share

If you are interested in coming, please fill out the following Google Form to sign up for the event. As part of the sign-up process, please also fill out the following Waiver Form for the 2024/25 YA Year if you haven't already. If you are under 19 years old, please contact Pastor Ajay for a waiver that needs to be signed by a parent or guardian.