
Easter Sunday Service

Mar 31 2024
Start Time
10:30 AM
End Time
11:45 AM


You are invited to come early to join us in the Gym for a time of community over Paska and coffee, immediately following the Baptism service. If you wish to bring Paska to share, please bring the Paska to the kitchen before the Baptism service, sliced, iced, and on a disposable plate or a platter marked with your name on the bottom.

At 10:30 AM, we are celebrating our risen Lord together and accepting all the new members to South Abbotsford Church (those baptized earlier that day and those transferring membership)!

Note for Parents: There will not be any child care for these services but there are going to be Activity Packs for children and the Nursery will be open for parents to supervise their children.