
Celebrate Sunday Worship Service

Jun 02 2024
Start Time
10:00 AM
End Time
1:00 PM


Another year has come and gone and it is time to celebrate together again! Our Celebrate Sunday is the first weekend of June and we cannot wait to hear how God has been working throughout South Abbotsford Church this year! Most of the ministries have someone share about their ministry year. After the time of sharing and worship in the service, we are once again having lunch and setting up bouncy castles and other fun activities to enjoy. We hope you can join us for this celebration!

Notes for Lunch:
We are having farmer sausage burgers with coleslaw and vegetables for lunch. For those with gluten sensitivities, we will have gluten-free buns available upon request. Please ask one of the servers if you need a gluten-free bun. Also, please bring a blanket or lawn chair if you want to sit outside on the grass, and feel free to bring a refillable water bottle. We will have refilling stations set up outside.